Friday, April 22, 2011

apologies and ideas

so i owe you all an apology for the lack of posts over the last few weeks...

may the next weeks be fuller.

Just got done with the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday gatherings...

both we times that I believe God spoke. Not only did we hear the story of Jesus Christ, but the Spirit was there confirming it in our hearts. I was blessed and I hope many of you were as well.

It's such a good thing to gather during such special times, I wander if we ought to have more special times; we ought to be a people celebrating the absolutely off the wall life that we've been given. Maybe that should be one of our goals for after Easter. We spend so much time getting there, but not much time preparing for life after the resurrection. I found a band in college called the Alter Boys check 'em out, they're awesome.

Anyway, the above song talks about life beginning at the cross...there's a lot to that. Life, real life, abundant, mischevios, holy, consuming life happens when we encounter the LIVING God. This is a big deal.

So what are we gonna do come Monday? You tell me. I'll through up some ideas and I'll add anything that you all send to the discussion. Let's make this a habit of finding new ways to live out the life that we've been given.

may the rest of this blessed week be amazing for you all...may God rock you...may you never be the same...Amen