Thursday, February 23, 2012

born into ashes, but alive in the Spirit

hi folks, 
i want to use this space as a way of encouraging and equipping myself and you all to walk through this season of lent with some intention and purpose.

the intention is that we would all take some action in examining ourselves for the sake of our discipleship and transformation 

the purpose is that we ought to be different, better, more like Jesus when we arrive at Easter 

God has been gracious and has allowed a piece of His Word to fall on me, and i believe that it is not just for me, but for us all

"the people who know their God shall be strong, and He will do great exploits with them."
Daniel 11:32

last night as we participated in the imposition of ashes, we heard the Father's love for us in how He made how He took care to knit us together...for a moment take a look at your hand, your feet, your eye (i know that's a tricky one)...what artistry, what grace and function and purpose, what beauty...psalm 139...
we also heard the confession of the guilty...pain, heartache, and longing...but also transparency, humility, and the door opening for forgiveness and renewal...psalm 51...
lastly we heard that resounding chorus...BLESS THE LORD, OH MY SOUL, AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME BLESS HIS HOLY NAME!...because He loves us, He forgives, He sets free, He pays our debts, He "crowns us with love and compassion", "He redeems us out of the pit", "He satisfies our desires with good things", "He heals..."Praise the Lord, oh my soul!...though we are dust, with Him we are brought into the[pause and spend some time with that]

take time each and everyday to see what the Lord is telling you in His Word...let it examine you and tell you who you are and who you can Christ...share your thoughts, here and with those who you encounter during your day...may the Lord's blessing for the world flow through each one of us..."the people who know their God shall be strong.  He will do great exploits with them." amen