Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I will write some follow ups to this soon, but I wanted to get something out now.

Last night two presbyteries voted to ratify amendment 10a. (I'll give the new and old wording later, but you can find it by doing a quick search for Amendment 10a).  This gives those in favor of the amendment for new ordination standards the majority or our 173 presbyteries (USA). 

All I can write at this moment is that my heart is broken because I think this is going to rip our denomination apart.

I would like us all to take a moment and pray:

for peace to move in our midst
for rhetoric to move towards honest and Christ-centered conversation
for all of us to be moved by the Spirit
for the Word of God to be the loudest and clearest Voice
for Christ to be glorified
for us as a community to not forget the mission that we've been given
for grace, forgiveness, and love to be what moves us to act (in Christ) and to wait (in Christ)

May the God of all creation be our Guide in these times...

